29 July 2011

Kick. Ass. Photograph.

I just stumbled across a photo I saved months ago and is one of my favourites.

I don't have children but would love to recreate something like this when I do...just need a killer gown, beautiful location, sun setting and angelic child...

Image: Bp blogspot

18 July 2011

Bedhead Beauties.

Bedheads are the piece de resistance to many a gorgeous boudoir. Our bed sits under a window in our apartment so I yearn for the day I can pull out a staple gun and make my own gorgeous fabric bedhead....yes you can do it yourself.

Here are a few beauties to feast your eyes on below and a little do it yourself feature at the end if you feel the urge to get handy...

Love the wallpaper here too...

DIY Corner - How to create your own

Visit Centsational Girl for a great little tutorial 
and you can make your own headboard below...

Images: Oh Joy, Cote de Texas, Studio Annetta, Real Living, Lonny MagCentsational Girl

09 July 2011

Artist in Residence. Noël Skrzypczak.

Larger than life artist Noël Skrzypczak is a contemporary artist based in Melbourne. Noël is known for her large-scale abstract wall paintings, recognised by their vivid colours and large flowing forms. 

Noël was born in Toronto, Canada and relocated to Canberra with her family as a young child. She completed a Visual Arts degree at the ANU School of Art, Canberra.

Her gorgeous paintings remind me of a psychoanalysts image, albeit a very beautiful one....

02 July 2011

Pinterest. A Revelation.

I am just discovering the wonders of Pinterest, a fantastic free image storage website, similar to Flickr and others but beautifully set out, super easy to navigate and a wonderful range of modern, high res images from contributors. It is relatively new but has a growing following and I am finding it quite addictive. Check out my first forays....Treadgold Pinterest

How it works: 'Request an invite' to create an account. You will then be able to start creating 'boards' and 'pinning' and sharing photos with other people on the site. You can 'pin' an image from anywhere on the web as you browse blogs and wesbites and it will send it straight back to your pinterest collection.

Blogging: I have found it fabulous for saving images for blogposts as it saves the location of where you found the image and you can simply embed the link into your blog post so you always have the correct source.

Planning interiors: No more scrambling to remember where you saw that great pendant light, create an 'Interiors' board and collect inspirational images and product photos and 'pin' them all back to your pinterest board to look at later.

A few of my latest 'pins' below:

Source: None via Emma on Pinterest

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