02 December 2011

Fresh weekend.

After a week off with a nasty bug I'm looking forward to a restorative weekend of putting Christmas trees up and buying fresh flowers - please let there be sunshine!


Source: Pinterest jennaalcala.blogspot.com

22 November 2011


Woody Allens latest movie Midnight in Paris takes you through the streets of Paris, past and present. Beautiful scenes, music and quite a charming Owen Wilson...sends me Parie dreaming...

Parisian chic in NYC

Source: wwwcastlescrownscottages.blogspot.commarieclairemaison.com, thediversionproject.blogspot.com, fromme-toyou.tumblr.com,fashionista.comthesartorialist.com

19 November 2011

Wing It. Eyeliner Style.

I am branching out from jewellery, art and interiors today...my makeup is long overdue for a bit of a revamp and this is just the ticket.

Winged eyeliner is the trend at the moment and as the party season approaches well worth attempting with a steady hand and some eye makeup remover handy...

Check out this great little video tutorial over at Everything Fabulous.

You can also check out my go to beauty items and what you need for the Perfect Workface and Killer Skin!

Image: Thriftreveal

15 November 2011

The Art of The Palette Knife.

I am an art lover from afar at the moment, content to wander exhibitions and imagine the lottery win that would enable me to purchase works by my favourite artists.

One of the techniques I am drawn to are works created with a palette knife, producing those delicious, abstract forms that somehow come together to become a recognisable and striking image. Often completed in one sitting by the artist these beautifully put together works show a true talent in manipulating colour and texture...

Nicholas Harding

Nicholas Harding

Halima Washington-Dixon

Robert Malherbe

Robert Malherbe

08 November 2011

I Am Woman...

A beautiful little 'I am Women Hear Me Roar' inspiration for today from the lovely ladies over at Business Chicks.


enough money within her control to move out

and rent a place of her own,

even if she never wants to or needs to...

something perfect to wear if the employer,

or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...


a youth she's content to leave behind....

a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to

retelling it in her old age....

a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...

one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...

eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,

and a recipe for a meal,

that will make her guests feel honored...


a feeling of control over her destiny.....

how to fall in love without losing herself..


how to quit a job,

break up with a lover,

and confront a friend without;

ruining the friendship....


when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...


that she can't change the length of her calves,

the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...


what she would and wouldn't do for love or more.....

how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...


whom she can trust,

whom she can't,

and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...

be it to her best friend's kitchen table..

or a charming Inn in the woods...

when her soul needs soothing...


What she can and can't accomplish in a day...

a month...and a year...

By Maya Angelou

Image: Garance Dore

05 November 2011

Lamps. Please Light Up My Life.

I have a slight obsession wtih lighting, mainly of the pendant and standing lamp variety. My faves at the moment are the newly released Jielde lamps at Euroluce or if you can afford the genuine article there are some gorgeous originals on ebay...

A few of my faves set among gorgeous interiors below.

The Tree Light by Pierre and Charlotte, gorgeous simplicity

A current crush which I am hoping to get my hands on is a vintage original Jielde lamp. LOVE.

Modern restyled Jielde lamp currently being stocked by local Euroluce

25 October 2011

Organisational Tips. Online Style.

A few quick sites I use to keep track of the Treadgold blog and images as I browse the net...some you will have heard of, others maybe not...



This is one I have been using for a while and am quietly addicted to. Similar to Flickr and other image storage sites, this presents everything in a super appealing way and lets you instantly 'Pin' images you find back to your Pinterest page. You can also share images with other Pinterest aficionados.

Particularly great for putting together a blog post as you can just copy and paste the image links into your article and it appears with the link attached (see images this post).


Featuring on and subscribing to this great little site has not only brought traffic my way, but opened up even more ways to find interesting design and artistic content. Features blog posts and images from across the web in the areas of Art, Bridal and Foodie Feasting...

Random ideas

Promises to capture all of your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations, into a single place. Access everything whenever you need it from your Mac, even when offline.

You can create folders for article themes and sort into a way you understand. Take photos of random ideas while you're out and about and save into an articles file for putting your posts together later on.

I am still trialling this and wondering how many organisational tools I can use at once...

Letting you hang on to ideas as you browse the web is a nice one for the time-poor. No time to read a news article or lengthy blogpost? Just click the instapaper tab you have saved to your bookmarks bar and it will save it for you to read later. Perfect for when you have 15 mins over lunch to spare for a quick update...


In its own words...helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It's like your own personal publishing platform.

Other ideas...

Looking for that little extra push for efficiency on anything and everything...posts from all around the world on everything from the best organisation apps for the iphone to how to read body language in any situation...intrigued?

A recent Design Sponge post on Biz Ladies also had some fabulous ideas for organising your life online.

Source: samanthahahn.com via Emma on Pinterest

22 October 2011

Bookworm. Heaven.

Bring out your inner bookworm....I have always said as soon as we move into a house I will be investing in built in bookshelves. I have them coming out my ears in our little flat. They are furniture, art and storage solution in one.


19 October 2011

Chandeliers. Decadence.

Time for a little ceiling bling I think. While our little abode doesn't quite have the ceilings for a beautiful chandelier, it is on my list of must-haves for our next place...

Chandelier is a broad term these days and can include anything from decadent crystal, strands of coloured beads hung gracefully, to modern metal shades (love the Coco Republic one below).

Do you have favourites?

Ralph Lauren Perry Chandelier from Coco Republic


Source: tabletonic.blogspot.comstylemepretty.com, desiretoinspire.net, goindigorain.blogspot.compotterybarn.com, tabletonic.blogspot.com, desiretoinspire.net

14 October 2011

Design Tips. Apartment Therapy Style.

Apartment Therapy have some fabulous little design and colour ideas from their readers up at the moment. A bit of a sneak peek of my faves below...a bit hit and miss but a few goodies!

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